Ragdoll Colors and Patterns
Purebred Ragdoll Kittens come in many different colors and patterns. When you Adopt a Ragdoll Kitten, there are many different Ragdoll colors and patterns to choose from!
All Traditional Ragdolls are born completely white. Their coloring and pattern first start to peek through on their ears and tails when they are only a few days old. It continues to develop and darken until they are about 2 years old.
True Ragdolls are pointed cats, with blue eyes only. You may see Ragdolls that are advertised as solid-colored, sepia, mink or that have eye colors other than blue. However, these are not true Ragdolls, as they do not conform to the Ragdoll Breed Standard, as established by TICA.
Ragdoll Colors
The two main traditional Ragdoll colors are “seal” and “blue”. Blue Ragdolls are genetically the “diluted version” of Seal Ragdolls and they will be slightly lighter in color.
Here is a photo comparison of the Seal and Blue Ragdoll colors:
Seal Bicolor Ragdoll
Ragdolls also come in red, cream, tortie, chocolate and lilac.
Seal Ragdoll | Deep Brown
Blue Ragdoll | Medium Grey
Red Ragdoll | Fiery Orange
Cream Ragdoll | Similar to Red, but Slightly Lighter
Tortie Ragdoll | Similar to Calico
Chocolate Ragdoll | Light to Dark Chocolate Brown
Lilac Ragdoll | Light Grey with a Pink Hue
Ragdoll Patterns
The Ragdoll patterns are bicolor (as seen above), mitted (as seen below) and colorpoint.
Bicolor Ragdolls have white, inverted “V”s on their face, showing off darling pink noses, while mitted and colorpoint Ragdolls have black noses (that are also darling)! Bicolors have the most white on them, while colorpoints have the most color. Mitted Ragdolls are similar in how they look to colorpoints, but they have white chins and adorable white mittens on their front paws, while Colorpoint Ragdolls have colored chins and colored front paws.
Thank you Stephanie of MoonSeed Ragdolls for allowing us to share this photo!
Blue Mitted Ragdoll
The Lynx Ragdoll
Some Ragdolls may have a lynx overlay on their pattern. Lynx is the same thing as tabby striping and it adds more color variation within their coat. Any Ragdoll color or pattern can have lynx overlay.
Seal Lynx Bicolor Ragdoll
Blue Lynx Bicolor Ragdoll