Choosing a Veterinarian For Your Ragdoll Kitten
Having a good veterinarian is an essential part of owning a Ragdoll Kitten! Like all cat breeds, Ragdolls are prone to a few specific Ragdoll Health Issues, making preventative veterinary care that much more important. Your veterinarian should be one that you trust, and who makes you feel comfortable at your kitten’s vet appointments. In this blog post, we have laid out some of the most important questions to take into consideration when choosing the right veterinarian for you and your Ragdoll.
Are They Feline-Friendly?
Many vets nowadays specialize in dogs and rarely see felines. It will be important to ask your vet if they have experience working with cats. They should be well-versed and up-to-date on feline veterinary research and proper feline care. Your vet should be a source of information on nutrition and behavior for you. Plus, you want your vet to enjoy caring for your Ragdoll kitten!
Do They Have a Good Bedside Manner?
Just as bedside manner is important when choosing a doctor, it is also important when choosing the vet for your Ragdoll! Be sure to choose a vet who has a kind and professional demeanor. They should always take the time to sit down with you at each appointment and answer any questions that you might have. You should never feel rushed or uncomfortable at your vet appointments. A good bedside manner will help foster a relationship of mutual trust.
What Do Their Online Reviews Say?
Always be sure to read the online reviews for your veterinarian - these will give you a lot of insight into the type of care that your vet provides. If the majority of the reviews are negative, I would consider another vet for your Ragdoll.
Do They Provide Emergency Veterinarian Care?
It is important to have a plan ready in case your Ragdoll cat ever has a health emergency. Not all vet clinics have a 24-hour emergency care unit. If your vet clinic does not provide ER care, ask your vet for a recommendation on where you can take your kitten in the case of an emergency, preferably somewhere that is opened 24 hours. Your vet should be very familiar with the emergency care that is offered in your area.